性别 女
学位 博士
职称 讲师
通讯地址 山东省济南市长清区大学科技园大学路1号必威BETWAY中国官方网站528
邮编 250358
E-mail qing.nan@163.com
2009.9-2019.12 山东大学,基础医学院,医学心理学,硕博
2003.9-2009.7 山东大学,医学院,医学影像学,学士
2020.4-至今 必威betway官网入口,必威BETWAY中国官方网站,讲师
1. Li Q, Wu HR, Fan SJ, Liu DX, Jiang H, Zhang Q, Pan F*: The effects of sub-anesthetic ketamine plus ethanol on behaviors and apoptosis in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of adolescent rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2019, 184:172742.
2. Li Q, Liu DX, Pan F*, Cyrus SH Ho, Roger CM Ho: Ethanol exposure induces microglia activation and neuroinflammation through TLR4 activation and SENP6 modulation in adolescent rat hippocampus. Neural Plasticity 2019, p1648736.
3. Li Q, Qin XQ, Sun L, Liu DX, Zhang Q, Pan F*, Yew D*: Chronic sub-anesthetic ketamine induces permanent hypolocomotion and impairment of hippocampus in adolescent cynomolgus monkeys. Neuroscience Letters 2020,717:134702
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